May 30, 2009


Soup Kitchen


Since I was going into out today to get my letter for community service hours served at the AIDS Walk on May 17th, I decided to tag along with my religious friends to do some more volunteer work at the Soup Kitchen they go to, more or less, on most Saturdays. I didn't think it's actually be all the way in Manhattan though. I was told to arrive at the appointed destination at 7:30 but didn't arrive at the train station until 7:15 and even then, the train arrived five minutes before the deadline. I ended up being one of the earlier people there though, since Peter and his friends didn't show up yet and only Salvon (I think that's his name), the adult that would be driving was there. There was a total of of seven who had to fit in the car. The college student (never got his name), ended up being constrained within the back/trunk, the four guys squashed together in the passenger seats and I got the front. I felt bad since they made me sit in the front since I was a girl...=.= I generally prefer the back; I wouldn't mind sitting in the "trunk"; my past experiences have been quite enjoyable.

I learned that front seats need to be buckled down at all times and... only the number of people meant for the seats, are supposed to be situated; reason being, four people squashed in the middle is extending the limit and can result in hazardous injuries (I think the trunk should be unoccupied as well): The guys always kinda freak when we saw a bunch of cops everywhere. Salvon would try to sneak away by taking a different route, as to not distinguish attention. Suspiciously, there were a lot of cops. The only adult theorizes that the Hebrews were threatened with shell-bombings from the Muslims or some terrorist threat of the sort; his assumption being highly corrected with the appearance of tables containing many bottles of Gatorade---there was a marathon of some sort, later discovering "New York Roadrunners". With the arrival in Manhattan, I got a major headache from the sunlight blinding my eyes with the position of sitting in the front seat. I felt sort of sick as well, although I survived the trip without regurgitating.

The Soup Kitchen has various jobs and I just raised my hand when the rest of my group does. Josh and Cena showed up from ditching their Key Club event. We three, along with Solomon and Billy, got the job at the pantry where we stack a bunch of bagged food (they reminded me of goody bags) that are to be distributed without charge. It turned out to be harder than expected. The bags already contained packaged food such as a carton of milk, cereal, rice, and canned foods. We had to add the frozen foods; a bag/box of vegetables and sausage. The bags of vegetables just wouldn't fit through the small knotted opening of the bag so we accommodated with the boxed spinach first. Individual sausages were brought out and we thought it'd be okay to just put the sausages in each bag without the vegetables but were told that we need to get rid of the vegetables first. I got around; from the panicked-streak frozen food additions to back-breaking stacking and hurdling and passing the bags to make it easier for the workers giving the food out. Guests had a choice of eating breakfast or signing for the free bagged food. I was the only one who wore a knitted crocheted hoodie whereas everyone else were in shorts and T's, so it was quite embarrassing. I regret dressing as I did because I was sweating like crap and was afraid I'd give off body odor.

After the guests left, the volunteers had breakfast and the BCCC just hung around for the next hour. There was this one guy I met, his name was Will (I believe) who was watching us eat because that's what he does. We went to the instruments and since Peter was with his band, they were playing with the instruments. I wanted to learn the drums so Will ended up giving me a mini lesson... Drumming is hard... Counting is hard... Beating is hard... The college student, Josh, and I went next door to get some free ice cream samples but the college student ended up purchasing a cup because he felt bad.

I went to Broadway after to APICHA for my letter while everyone went to a friend, Bryant's, house. Dehydrated, tired, and sweating as I was, I went to my cousin's house. I hung out a bit and then went home.


May 1, 2009


Mr. & Ms. Tech: Bodybuilding


Just a notice for me; I'll be back to finish this in a few days because I got 10 current events due for a global project I didn't even start yet... *dies*
Ah so I've finally come around to finishing this post (despite having not started homework yet). Rebecca, Molly, and I went to the Mr. & Ms. Tech contest after hanging out with Peter at the mall. I tagged along because I had a free ticket (ty Eden!) While waiting for the show to start, Rebecca managed to get a balloon animal from a gym teacher dressed as a clown. It was a teddy bear with either, disproportional legs or just a really long tail (that could be the bear's unmentionable area as well...) We sat with Beniah and watched a rapping trio (forgot their name) and then the break dancing team (they were awesome~) Organized Chaos stepping came after and it was pretty cool too. Lady Dragon came on later, between the contestant showings but although they weren't as good as OC, they weren't bad either.

I actually didn't know what I was expecting when I went to this event. Then I find out its about buff students competing for a title. There were six girls who came on first and they were muscular (not to mention in bikinis---didn't expect this because it seems inappropriate for school). Their muscles were so nicely toned :O *envious* I want muscles too! x[

The guys were naked except for what seem like a speedo. They were tall...big...and SCARY! OMG: I didn't realize we had such intimidating people at the school! There was one asian, he oiled himself so much that his body color was different from his actual skin color (one can see the difference by comparing his body to his head xD). This other guy, Kenneth, was probably the most muscular out of the bunch. He had muscles on top of muscles but he only ended up third in the end.

There was a second round after the posing section. Each of the competitors had to perform and as for the guys... all they did was pretty much pose to their own music. The girls had more entertaining performances; such as dancing and some moves to display their flexibility and strength. Afterward, people were eliminated and then there was another posing section before voting. Mr. Tech was the asian guy and Ms. Tech was the really tall Renee (I thought her performance was best).

I was recommended for AP Global... should I accept? and which: Euro or World? Damn, Lee called me after class and it was just before the bell that she just whipped out the papers {this was surprising for me because I didn't know why she called me until people were talking about AP) and told me to choose one in a minute; hurry much? She was late for class and I'm like deciding my future in a minute ~.~

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