May 25, 2010


Snagged from Xin Ru Alyssa [Sorry, mistake]

1. A hamper
2. A calendar
3. A band poster
4. Art projects
5. Barcode sticker
6. Poster/picture I had since I was little
7. Some Halloween decorations
8. A lamp with a funky lamp shade
9. A twin size bed
10. Some burned CDs
11. Dead flowers
12. An alarm clock
13. A jewelry box
14. A desk More like a former dining table.
15. A laptop
16. Some old recipes
17. Shoprite coupon
18. White out
19. Digital camera
20. Unicorn figurine
21. Post-it notes
22. Soup can converted into a pencil holder
23. Pencils
24. Pens
25. Lots of books
26. Manga
27. Car keys
28. House keys
29. Cork board
30. Lots of keychains
31. Magazines
32. Clothes
33. Hair products
34. A straightener
35. Pillows
36. A television
37. A VCR/DVD player
38. VHS tapes
39. DVDs
40. A boxset to a television series
41. Something from Egypt
42. Money from different countries
43. Subway sub wrapper
44. EasyBake oven
45. Backpack
46. Scarf
47. Shoes
48. Notes from friends
49. Holiday gifts I haven’t sorted through yet
50. Money
51. Hair dye
52. A ruler
53. My diary
54. Book of my poems
55. Packing tape
56. Condoms
57. Dead batteries
58. Contact lens solution
59. Glitter lamp
60. Lava lamp
61. Scissors
62. Perfume
63. Sunscreen
64. Stationary
65. A drawing model
66. My Little Ponies
67. A disposable camera
68. Incense burner
69. Incense
70. School textbooks
71. Sailor Moon memorabilia
72. A mirror
73. Ceiling fan
74. Glasses
75. Blacklight posters
76. Bank book
77. Business cards
78. Gloves
79. Candy
80. Fortune cookie fortunes
81. Bumper stickers
82. CD player
83. Temporary tattoos
84. Planners
85. Folders
86. Notebooks
87. Old birthday/holiday/etc. cards
88. Tape
89. Markers
90. Stapler
91. Lined paper
92. Blank paper
93. Roll of undeveloped film
94. Picture frame
95. Awards
96. Flashlight
97. Hair clips
98. Trollz dolls
99. Ferrero Rocher chocolate
100. Shipping boxes/envelopes
101. Bags/boxes for gifts
102. Tissue paper
103. Rug
104. Fake flowers
105. Fake bugs
106. Ear plugs
107. Dream catcher
108. Magic 8 ball
109. Locker mirror
110. Ear muffs
111. Winter coat
112. Slippers
113. Hand sanitizer
114. Outlet
115. Tiger stuffed toy
116. Sewing machine
117. Hello Kitty stuff
118. Old cell phones
119. Lighter
120. Good memories


May 21, 2010


My Brotha

20:46 a greedy selfish asshole according to his "friends".  Wow, I knew he was rebellious and takes advantage of my parents and grandparents but I never knew he had such a nasty personality.  I'm starting to really hate him.  I wanna kick him out kickhimout KICKHIMOUT my friggin' gosh.  HOW'D HE TURN OUT LIKE THIS?

May 16, 2010

After the walking 6.2 mi + for AIDs Walk and had a OD freeloading spree in the stead of the doing homework and studying for AP, I had to see the Doctor.

I got two shots...  I'd really like to know what they are putting in me.  Is/had anyone getting/got Guardisil?  I'd really like to know more about it to decide whether I would get it or not before I need to start paying for insurance when I reach the age of ~19?

I was walking home through 9th Street again...  I saw a cat lying on the side of a tree trunk.  It was probably dead; I would've taken a picture but a guy came out of the house with a bag and asked me "Is it dead?"  "Yeah, probably." just as I was taking out my phone.

I knew this cat.  I saw it last week when I had to go out to help my mom carry some stuff home.  I was pulling a cart and I passed it as it stared at me.  I was about to take out some cake scraps to feed it but there were people looking at me and I began thinking Can cats even eat cake?  What if it can't digest it? so I decided not to.  I would've liked to buy it a can of cat food but I had no money.

Now it's dead.  It probably starved.  I'm sorry I didn't feed you.  RIP.

Edit:  Turns out that my dad and grandparents attended a funeral today.  Today is probably a sad day.


May 1, 2010


30 Day Challenge - May

Snagged from Joann's blog... I probably won't be able to do it everyday but I'll try.  It was originally a tumblr trend but we'll be doing here because we cool like that.  Happy Labor Day!
Day 01 — Your favorite song - Embers and Envelopes by Mae (both versions are good)

The Original

The New Version
Day 02 — Your favorite movie

It was really hard to choose from but Miyazaki movies have always been my favorite.  However, in the last few years, I've watched many movies that I thought were great.  I'll pick 5 Centimeters Per Second for this round because I thought the artwork associated with the changing seasons was beautiful and pleasant.  The stories were also very sweet.
I suck, already, I'm behind in 2 days!
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
I like detective shows that don't have to many explicit scenes and feature an OCD protagonist with a bit of humor.
Day 04 — Your favorite book

Day 05 — Your favorite quote
"You see things; and you say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?"
— George Benard Shaw
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Your belly button.
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
 I swear, West 9th street has a lot of road kills.  This is the second I've found (the first was a cat).  I actually don't know what this is...or whether it really is dead or just cooling off in the puddle.
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
 I wasn't sure which was from when I was 5...  I must be getting senile.  These are the faces of the one who would grow up to become the devil's child.
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy



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Certified Procrastinator, All-time Complainer, Indebted Freeloader, Uninspired Web-Designer, Obssessive Anime & Manga/Manhwa Enthusiast (Fujoshi), Idiot Computer Addict, Lazy Student.
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