Oct 1, 2009

It's quite late, considering I'm about to start AP Euro homework... which is gonna probably take at least two more hours and I'm not even gonna bother when it hits 1:30. I haven't finished two outlines these past two days but I'll somehow try to manage on the weekend?

Honors trig is killer. However, today was probably the easiest lesson since graphing was my only forte when it comes to algebra. I thought I'd understand it but when I got to the homework, thinking we had to graph, I probably died a little inside when I found it confusing; turns out that we didn't need to graph anyway so I managed to finish the easiest homework he'll probably ever give in good time. My textbook is missing pages...pages I need for homework.

Tech really is degrading my health. I've mentioned this before on another entry but seriously, it's worse now; I wonder how I'll even manage the next two years after sophomore. I basically sleep at 1 or 2 everyday. I need to wake up earlier than I'm supposed to to meet up with a friend who gets 8 hours of sleep just 'cause she wants to get to school early. My sleep deprivation is probably effecting my studies and how I am during class. Towards the end of the day, I'm usually dosing off in the last few periods. I recently starting bringing a canister of tea everyday in an attempt to keep me awake. Sucks that I finish drinking it all by fifth or sixth period.

Today sucked ass. Reason? I lost my pen. It was a pen in which I almost finished using all the ink. I've always wanted to use up a whole pen but it's just my luck that I lose it just when I was about done with it. now I gotta start all over. Well, according to the amount I have to write for Euro daily, I think it'll be empty in no time.

Here I am ranting for the past 10 minutes or so. I should seriously finish homework so I can shower and get some rest.

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Blogger Emina said...
urgh, school driving you crazy huh? when the year almost reach it ends, we will get lots of headaches. trust me, i've been there xD

good luck though~
Blogger Joann said...
Wow, sophomore year sounds so hard for so many people. I'm actually okay surprisingly I think its cus I'm not taking ap world and honors tri is hard. X_______X"
Yo I get like 9 hours of sleep everyday or 8 or so and I still feel tired. D:

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