Apr 25, 2010

I had a dream.

I was in Vegas.

What happened there stayed there.


Apr 19, 2010


Fujoshi out of the Closet

Ah, so my brother told me that when his friend came over the other day, while playing Rockband, the said friend saw me reading something that disturbed him greatly.  I was pretty sure I was just online window shopping (ugh, such a terrible habit and waste of time) but now and then, I may be be distracted and decide to read some manga instead.  So my brother tells me the other day, "Hey Connie, you know, my friend saw you being gay".  Apparently, my reading yaoi is supposedly "gay" just because it happens to be gay romance.  He goes on to tell me about how his friend told all his classmates that Kel's old sister reads gay p0rn and this shocks many into thinking I am such a gay person.  This in turn, leaves me in a laughing fit.

Really, I would have to apologize to them that my hobbies can't be permitted in their immature heads.  It's a shame that they can't accept the fact that I am attracted to the forbidden sort of romance that pull at my heartstrings after perusing through the innocent girly shoujo to the smut phases.  I'm pretty sure many people I know already knows about this hobby of mine so I don't really care if some stranger brats I don't know are clued in as well.  In the end, having been found out like that makes me understand how guys feel as they watch p0rn when their dear mother walks in...  It leaves a surprise for moment but what done is done.

Edit: Pssst...I discovered eBay; kill me now.

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Apr 5, 2010


Confessions of a Shopaholic

I have a problem...I got into online shopping... I already spent at least $90 =_= and am planning to buy a bit more.

Unlike most shopaholics, I don't shop for clothes.  I shop for batteries, wires (a probably more computer components when I have the cash), pens and books.

I am spending my new year's money...  *wallows in the corner of self-hate*

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Apr 1, 2010


Misassumed Intentions

On such a glorious day, I "walked the hill" for the second time this year. I went grave-cleaning on Sunday as well though it was raining. Today, my family visited my grandfather's father. It's still a mystery to me as to why the granite block is inscribed with an English name and the year of birth is after the year my grandfather was born in. My brother and I question our grandfather every year and apparently, there's more then one person buried in that spot; more like four at least.

After visiting the grave, we usually make a pit stop at a gas station. Because my dad didn't need to refill gas, my grandmother and mom were going to give one of the station workers an orange; an obligatory gift for letting them use the station's restroom. I saw my grandmother going up to this big black guy, who she assumed was an employee, and giving him the orange. The guy already had his hands full with a stack of Pringles and a bottle of soda but he accepted it and then walked out of the gas station, turned a corner and was gone. As he was walking, my grandfather starts shouting "Hey! Where's he going?!"

As one can conclude, he wasn't a gas station worker; just a customer. My dad starts making a big fuss about my grandmother giving the orange away to a complete stranger; complaining like we gave away a bunch of cash. It was hilarious though, since my grandmother didn't realize. I laughed because she just assumed and gave it to the first person she saw. I wonder how that guy felt? I thought that my grandmother giving him the orange would be a good gesture; a suggestion that he should start eating healthier although that may be rude. Then I remembered it was April Fool's Day and thought that he might've took it as a prank and wasted a perfectly good orange :/

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