Mar 20, 2009


Volenteer: Work for free (I wish it wasn't)

I was originally going to post this on Stray Dog... but CuteNews fcked up on me again... *sigh* so I'm posting it here.

Do to the requirement for graduation (in another 3 years), I found some volunteer work at a Assembly Council place a few days ago. I'll be going there for two hours after school on Fridays and today was my first day. What I basically need to do is sort papers and other little jobs. Today, the lady who accepted my employment, Stephanie made me sort out papers. I finished in the first 40 minutes and spent the next half hour listening to a New Utrech Global teacher express his complaints and concerns about one of his classes that had only two students who understood English (the others only knew their Chinese dialect). Really, I feel bad for the guy because it must be stressful having to teach a class that don't even understand the language you're talking in. I hope all goes well for him because Stephanie recommended him some possible translator. It seems that schools nowadays, probably can't higher bilingual/more teachers due to major cuts with the country's economic crisis and all. The next hour, I just sat there waiting for more jobs to do... listening in on the office workers talk about business stuff and complaints about a smell garbage. I had to copy a few papers and I never knew how complicated some copy machines can be. If you don't put the paper correctly, off by maybe a millimeter or some sort, the machine will print out a copy in landscape, rather than the desired portrait. Last thing I had to do was file some papers... what a complicated task as well... Most of the names I couldn't even find in the two crammed cabinets. I spent forever trying to find the folder names, returning and going over each cabinet a dozen times. In the end, I didn't finish and since my hours were up, I went home.


Mar 7, 2009


Slip + Fall = Damage


To think that swim gym couldn't get worse... it does. On Thursday, we started going underwater to retrieve rings. It's no surprise I didn't even manage to get one >.> Swimming just isn't my forte and so, not realizing it was time to get out, I ended up being on of the last ones to make it to the locker. I didn't have time to put on my flip flops and was just speed walking barefoot, slipping although managing my balance a couple of times (*ahem*warning signs but I was stupid to have ignored). Right outside the girl's locker room, the water finally got me. I slipped and fell backwards and in those few seconds, I've injured my lower back, sides and some of my gluteus as well. I suffered throughout these past two days with terrible aches and pains and I started getting stomach aches as well.

The night of the incidence was probably one of the worse in my life. I had English Gods and Goddess project due the next day (having procrastinated for weeks on end) along with the usual long Global homework, Spanish project (who knew drawing monsters were so hard?!), and a few other things. I spent four hours on English and only managed to finish the analytic piece, giving up with starting the creative part. I gave up on math since I didn't get most of it and global, I had to copy... Throughout all the work, I started panicking, stressing, and all those other terrible feelings one may feel when they're in deep shit. Not only was I mentally affected, but physically as well; trying to cope with the side pain and then I started getting the damn stomach aches that are probably caused by indigestion and constipation (I had suspicions that these cases are associated with my injury...when I fell, it is likely my digestive system got all messed up). I seriously broke down that night because the stomach aches were like the worse cramps ever, without of few moments of relief. I couldn't get rid of it unless I took a crap, which I couldn't (tried like two times, sitting on the toilet for about 30 minutes each...with no results and still). In the end, my grandma just gave me some Chinese medicine that caused me to constantly burp as I went to sleep.

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