Mar 20, 2009


Volenteer: Work for free (I wish it wasn't)

I was originally going to post this on Stray Dog... but CuteNews fcked up on me again... *sigh* so I'm posting it here.

Do to the requirement for graduation (in another 3 years), I found some volunteer work at a Assembly Council place a few days ago. I'll be going there for two hours after school on Fridays and today was my first day. What I basically need to do is sort papers and other little jobs. Today, the lady who accepted my employment, Stephanie made me sort out papers. I finished in the first 40 minutes and spent the next half hour listening to a New Utrech Global teacher express his complaints and concerns about one of his classes that had only two students who understood English (the others only knew their Chinese dialect). Really, I feel bad for the guy because it must be stressful having to teach a class that don't even understand the language you're talking in. I hope all goes well for him because Stephanie recommended him some possible translator. It seems that schools nowadays, probably can't higher bilingual/more teachers due to major cuts with the country's economic crisis and all. The next hour, I just sat there waiting for more jobs to do... listening in on the office workers talk about business stuff and complaints about a smell garbage. I had to copy a few papers and I never knew how complicated some copy machines can be. If you don't put the paper correctly, off by maybe a millimeter or some sort, the machine will print out a copy in landscape, rather than the desired portrait. Last thing I had to do was file some papers... what a complicated task as well... Most of the names I couldn't even find in the two crammed cabinets. I spent forever trying to find the folder names, returning and going over each cabinet a dozen times. In the end, I didn't finish and since my hours were up, I went home.


Blogger Joann said... got volenteer work already
I'm like X_X yea..w/e about it
Anonymous Joann said...
XD and my glasses aren't black they are silver and blue
I guess its the lighting XD

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