Feb 10, 2009


Playlist Update

I wasted $16.50 on a swimsuit bottom I'm not even gonna use. Since my mom removed the tags and all; I probably won't be able to refund it ==" Arg. So today, I spent like four hours shopping around 34th Street... I would write more but I'm tired z_z

I came across some nice music I liked so I decided to update my playlist. I'm not gonna write about my opinion on them since I don't think anyone even cares but enjoy. It's surprising how I've been adding English music xD I think I put the songs by favorite (top to bottom) although the first five are all on equal ground :P It was such a pain in the ass finding a decent quality mp3 for Pictures of You though...>.>"
Edit: The host for the music and images pertaining to this website is currently down. I'm going to wait a few days to see if it'll get back up and if it doesn't, I'm planning to move everything to a new host.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
X_X what happened to the swimsuit?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
oh wow X_X
Blogger imnotpeter said...
that sucks, the swimsuit cant b returned :(

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