Jun 26, 2009


End of Freshman Year

It's been long. It's been tough, torturous and demanding. It's finally over! The last day of school was 30 minutes. I got my report card which was disappointing because I went down in Geometry, Global, and Spanish; staying the same in everything else. DDP went down significantly as well, but I don't care about that, since I know the cause is the unfinished Bat Mobile project. At least it didn't drop below a 90 or my last desperate attempt of finishing everything in tutor the "unofficial" last day would be wasted. I passed Geometry regents with mediocrity and got a surprising score on the Bio regents (I actually did swell!).

School's finally over. I can't say I'm looking to the summer anymore than I am to sophomore year. Mosquitoes are a nuisance and I would like to stop lazying around growing fat... I need some inspiration this summer.

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Jun 22, 2009


Testing Comes to a Close


I took the DDP test today; armed with a late night (one-o'clock) preparation resolve. Really, I'm still a bit sick from catching the cold (or whatever illness in which symptoms include a lot of snot in the nose and phlegm in my irritated throat. My proctor for the test was the Mediation teacher Ms. Mirano. I think I got 7/8 of the Part A multiple choice---the remaining 1/8 I could've nailed if only I'd actually study instead of skimming. Parts B and C were alright and I managed to get a few questions with the helping hand of my nifty cheat sheet (this was allowed---8.5 x 11 handwritten page.) I had most trouble with the questions concerning assemblies and features concerning the actual CAD program. It's not my fault I was unable to do most of the tutorials with the lack of the software at home and besides, my teacher wasn't very good at her job, suffice to say. Most of the DDP teachers aren't good with their present occupation... They don't teach what we need to know, expect us to learn it on our own, or are just plain terrible at allowing students to understand the point they want to get across.

While waiting for my dad after the test, the security guards kept calling us of the premises. I couldn't go to the park across the street to sit since people were playing football and the security guard told us to not go there anyhow 'cause it was dangerous. I ended up crutching a few blocks to Apple Bee's, near the train station since there were places I could sit. My dad told my mom I walked and I got yelled at. I tried to calm her down by explaining the situation I was in---then she got all mad at the security guards, threaten to file a complaint to the school and the like. I'm sure she's just in her traditional habit of discriminating people...

Did I mention that on the "last" day of school, I had to stay until 5 for DDP tutoring? I had to finish my portfolio and the Bat Mobile project---problems with the printer only prolonged our stay and on that day, the teachers were the ones who wanted us out when we're not done so they can leave. I swear, I better get my portfolio back---it's colorful awesomeness wasted all my ink and I spent money on the friggin' protectors...and the binder itself, along with the timeless hardwork and dedication put into its completion. If they trash it so I've heard, I'm gonna sue.

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Jun 12, 2009



The second time I go to the doctor when I actually need to; a new record since it’s within the same year as the first. What a pain, just when school was about over. Today is the unofficial second to last day and the weekend is just about to start. On the way down the stairs, Molly and I broke into a competitive race; encouraged by my skills at skipping a step without holding the railing. Molly going her single step and me walking down skipping a step: upon seeing that I was going to lose, I jumped four steps :shock: Thus, since I was cornered, I lost my balance on the landing and twisted my ankle ._. My hands also touched the disgusting stairs and some brown crap of who knows what got on it >_<

I went to the nurse’s office; which happened to be on the floor I fell. It wasn’t until then, that I saw how swollen my injury was. Ice was put on it and since they wouldn’t let me leave, I had to wait the 30 minutes turned one and half hours for guardian pickup. Although I felt bad, Josh and Molly insisted on staying with me (such nice friends :smile: kudos to you guys :toast: ) I was brought down to the lobby in a wheel chair and my parents took me to Chinatown to see the doctor who helped me with my back sprain. She took a look and sent me next door to CP Advanced Imagery to get x-rays. There, I had to wait on line to get on another line (how stupid). My mom was so impatient and was annoying the secretaries :sweat: Throughout this whole time, I could not walk on my left leg where the damage was so I was hopping on one foot everywhere. People stared. People pitied (moved out of my way.) I had to take off my sneaker and couldn’t put it on…This was when I discovered how damp my sock and shoe was; the ice had all melted. Nice. The bandages the school nurse had put on my foot to hold the ice was taken off to be reused again (only wrapped a lot neater) :suspicious: The guy taking my x-rays mumbled something about how I was supposed to only put ice on it for 20 minutes and take it for another 20 minutes…and complained about why I didn’t have crutches.

My original physician got off work so we went to find another. We went all around Chinatown to get some crutches and apparently, the pharmacy was gonna close in an hour and half and wouldn’t give us anything until Monday. My grandfather went to find the miracle doctor who helped my grandmother with her past injury so I was waiting, still standing on one leg. During this solitude, tourists came up to ask me for directions to public transport and this one guy comes along, asks me where the train station is: I told him to just keep walking down and that was the extent of my knowledge. He insisted I tell him how many blocks. Then he changes to subject to why I was waiting around. I told him I couldn’t walk and was waiting for my grandfather (should’ve just kept it general…). He starts joking around if he can help me and my grandfather comes back in time before things got more weird…

The next doctor was very Asian for he specializes in acupuncture and Chinese herbs and remedies. He had a bunch of grounded up herbs everywhere. Mr. Zhang examined the x-rays and explained that my fibula had popped out and was fractured a bit. The swelling was due not only by the blood but also the bone. He made me a cast around the herb filled bandage he put on my swollen ankle and now, my foot needs to stay at 90 degree angle for about a month or something. This sucks; not only was the cast expensive (the hard part was already like $70 along plus $40 service fees—I don’t have this kind of extra money and neither do my parents :dead: ) but now I gotta go to school on Monday without crutches… I can imagine it now: Girl Hops Around School. Ah yes, there’s also the difficulty of showering and my appointment with my optometrist to get new glasses will have to be canceled since I’m currently incapacitated.

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