Staples is having an extra early savings event. I wanted the $80 19" Acer Monitor. It was available two days ago when I checked so I thought I'd go with my dad today to place an order (I didn't think my mom would have a credit card so I could've ordered online) like we did last time. Yesterday I checked again and IT'S SOLD OUT. WTFFF!!! I'm pretty down about this since now I'll have to risk my life to try and get another $80 monitor that is available at Best Buy on Black Friday (only 15 per store :OOO) goodness, and I wanted to get the $13 8 gb usb at Staples (it's part of their early bird special)... It'd be easier to get the usb... but I want the monitor more. If I don't get either on Friday, I'm gonna lash out.
Edit on Thanksgiving, 11.26.09---What I want to buy but ended up getting instead.
So today, I decided I really wanted the $500 HP desktop (Windows 7, 8 gb RAM, 1 TB harddisk space, AMD Athlon II X4 Quad Core Processor, Deskjet D1530 Color Printer included)---it's really too hard to believe. I would've totally gotten this if it didn't happen to be sold out online when I found out that Black Friday Deals were available today for Best Buy (gosh, another missed opportunity!). I wouldn't have gotten the monitor otherwise. In the end, I just ordered the $80 20" Acer Monitor online (for the first time) since my mom didn't want to go and wait and risk not even getting anything. I still would've liked to get the monitor from Staples because they had free shipping! There were some cheap laptops and I might've chosen to get it if it weren't sold out as well =_=
Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up early and try to get the $13 USB at Staples! It may be selfish and paranoid of me, but I would also like to get the $70 500 gb WD portable drive (still grateful for the 320 gb everyone came together to get for me---I feel like I'll have it used up very soon though!---turns out that its $49 on sale at Walmart right now.)
I went with my parents to NWL one hour before closing to get some last minute stuff that were on sale. We could've gotten a $10 gift card for the next purchase if we paid $50. We ended up buying only $41 worth of items... I got my St. Ives Microdermabrasion for only $3 :O Hopefully, I can get the Olive Cleanser and Olive Scrub tomorrow (oh I feel like I'm wasting money on useless things >.>) but it's so cheap! >_< I like St. Ives products and would like to try them all out :/ I also got Pond's Cold Cream for only $4 :3
The bad part about shopping when stuff are cheap is waiting on line. There was a guy in front of us who bought like 30 bags of plates...
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I can't say I'm celebrating this year (for dinner, all I had were mushrooms, squid and rice.)
Edit on Thanksgiving, 11.26.09---What I want to buy but ended up getting instead.
So today, I decided I really wanted the $500 HP desktop (Windows 7, 8 gb RAM, 1 TB harddisk space, AMD Athlon II X4 Quad Core Processor, Deskjet D1530 Color Printer included)---it's really too hard to believe. I would've totally gotten this if it didn't happen to be sold out online when I found out that Black Friday Deals were available today for Best Buy (gosh, another missed opportunity!). I wouldn't have gotten the monitor otherwise. In the end, I just ordered the $80 20" Acer Monitor online (for the first time) since my mom didn't want to go and wait and risk not even getting anything. I still would've liked to get the monitor from Staples because they had free shipping! There were some cheap laptops and I might've chosen to get it if it weren't sold out as well =_=
Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up early and try to get the $13 USB at Staples! It may be selfish and paranoid of me, but I would also like to get the $70 500 gb WD portable drive (still grateful for the 320 gb everyone came together to get for me---I feel like I'll have it used up very soon though!---turns out that its $49 on sale at Walmart right now.)
I went with my parents to NWL one hour before closing to get some last minute stuff that were on sale. We could've gotten a $10 gift card for the next purchase if we paid $50. We ended up buying only $41 worth of items... I got my St. Ives Microdermabrasion for only $3 :O Hopefully, I can get the Olive Cleanser and Olive Scrub tomorrow (oh I feel like I'm wasting money on useless things >.>) but it's so cheap! >_< I like St. Ives products and would like to try them all out :/ I also got Pond's Cold Cream for only $4 :3
The bad part about shopping when stuff are cheap is waiting on line. There was a guy in front of us who bought like 30 bags of plates...
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I can't say I'm celebrating this year (for dinner, all I had were mushrooms, squid and rice.)
Labels: black friday, sale, technology
good luck going on black friday.
it is so scary.
but you shouldn't be so hopeful cus people who get it are like the ones who wait on line at like freakin 9 pm the night before.
crazy I tell you.
i really wanna get a new camera from best buyyy !
ugh could have gone today .. i will PROLLY go tmrw ..
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