Mar 15, 2010



I saw a lot of movies over the weekend.  I watched Sway (Yureru) featuring Adagiri Joe.  It was surprisingly suspenseful. Click here for the story and spoilers. I also watched Rush Hour 3 on TBS on Saturday; never did get the chance to watch it and I thought it was especially funny.

Saturday was Jeffrey's birthday so he invited a couple of us to movies and Friday's yesterday.  We all met up pretty late and had originally planned to eat first.  We followed up as planned but had only about 40 minutes to spend at Friday's; that includes waiting for the food.  The food finally came 10 minutes after the movie started.  We all rushed and had to pay like $30 tip for their crappy service; gosh.  Thanks to Jeffrey for treating all of us though :/

We came late and ended up sitting in the first row to watch Alice in Wonderland in IMAX.  My eyes ached after it was over.  It wasn't at all that great though; it was very original but enjoyable because it had some bits of humor.  Initially I was against going with the others to see Shutter Island; I've a distaste for horror things and it was against my principles to begin with, sneaking into another movie and all but the IMAX stripped me of a lot of cash and I didn't get my joys worth.  I ended up liking it overall though; it was thriller and wasn't horror at all but they did have some gruesome scenes.  The movie plays with the mind of the characters and even the heads of the viewers.  I think I got a bit of headache but at least I got it; the plot was intricate and opens to reveal a revelation.  Awesome movie though so you people should check it out sometime :)
Blogger Nana said...
Blogger Joann said...
I wanted to watch both those movies. I wanted to watch Shutter Island since you know me and horror stuff but I hate watching in the movie theaters. I prefer watching alone at home. LMFAOOOOO

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