Oct 14, 2009


What's long and hard?

No it's not a penis.

It's the PSATs (credits to Molly for the joke.)
I didn't bother studying for it; just didn't have the time due to my procrastination that resulted in finishing homework at 1 yesterday.

The train was really crowded today; I was nearly suffocating. These circumstances seems to prolong this unfortunate ride.

I was almost late for PSATs although there were people who were later than me. What sucked was that we ddin't get our 5 minute break between sessions 3 and 4 cause the teacher is a noob.

I think I did fairly better in reading than math, although I had to rush through them both. I'm quite confident in my grammar skills most of the time after getting 9/10 right in that session on this practice test my teacher gave last week. My vocabulary sucks though I risked getting -1/4 due actually answering the questions anyhow.

I got a math test tomorrow. The last of the marking period. I'm pretty sure that even if I pass with a 100 (which is quite impossible), I'm going to fail the class anyway. Yet I try, I went to tutor today. I think my factoring has improved recently though all the other materials... can't say much about that; especially inequality word problems!

Currently doing English homework. It is going to take a while. I hope I at least have some time to attempt studying for math.

Wtf is a sexton?!

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Blogger Joann said...
LMAO I had to rush a bit but not that much surprisingly.
I'm failing math too. D: *cries*
I hate inequality word problems too.
Blogger Joann said...
LMAO Yoooooo, I got the same technology teacher as you. :D omgah. one more person hehehes.
Same with me and math and I made some stupid error =________="
Blogger Emina said...
it seems you and joann are having quite a tough exam.. well, i hope you are doing well and i'm abit jealous of you since your exam is going to end very soon... xD

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