Dec 30, 2008


Fire and Sing Tao Newspaper


I had to buy the newspaper for my grandpa today. When I arrived on the avenue where the deli was, there were crowds of people gathered across the street from the store. There were like five firetrucks and a dozen police cars that blocked the side where I had to go. The fire took place on two floors of the apartment on top of the store next to the deli. The fire had been put out but one can see where it burned since the window borders were blackened and all. Since I couldn't buy the newspaper there, I had to walk a few more streets to this other deli that sold the Chinese newspaper my grandpa wanted. They were sold out so I went home and my grandpa ambushed me at the door, telling me to go to this pharmacy that was another avenue and few blocks away.

I never thought buying one newspaper would require so much walking and that a lot of stores didn't sell the Sing Tao newspaper... what a crappy morning.

I need to start my math homeworks and finish the project... I'mma probably try my best to finish the other annoyances (bio homework and spanish project) today...if I don't get distracted and procrastinate again ;_;

Edit: KANNAGI ENDED?! WTF :X It was a nice anime overall TT-TT just couldn't believe it ended so soon... episode 13! >x>

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Dec 27, 2008


Winter Break To Do List

School (should be done in a minimum of 5 days)
  • Math Project + 13 Homework (includes make-up)
  • Spanish Project (should be done in a day)
  • Biology Homework (don't get distracted while researching on the computer!) - 12.31
  • English Homework (don't sleep no matter how boring the read is!) - 12.29
  • DDP isometric & orthographic sketches for Puzzle Cube - 12.27
  • Revamp Obscure collective (entirely: webpages & new layout)
  • New layout for Stray Dog
  • Catch up on anime (!) and less manga (they will distract you)
  • Extractions (meh, not that important) - updated for January; 1.1 & new layout (?) for Etcetera
More will probably be added if I remember.

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Dec 25, 2008


Merry Christmas


A gift for all my followers, visitors, etc. (I used this for all my site xD)

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Dec 21, 2008


Find Out if You're a Retard

***I'm retarded for doing this. Really, this is just for fun; I'm not trying to discriminate those who are mentally challenge so please don't take this as offensive >_< I just got this off deviantart again (I don't have an account but I love browsing the art made by various people) when I get distracted.

[] You have yelled at an inanimate object for 'hurting' you. (Probably.)
[x] You have ran into a glass/screen door.
[x] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, then people gave you weird looks.
[x] You have run into a tree/bush.
[] You have been called a blond.
[] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow. (IS NOT D:)
[x] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm. (OMG, I never noticed!)
[x] You sang them to make sure.
[x] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen. (Lmao, Peta, you're not the only one >.>")
[x] You have choked on your own spit. (Sad but true.)
So far: 9/12 (Currently labeled retarded.)

[] You have seen the Matrix/Star Wars and still don't get it.
[] You type with three fingers or less.
[x] You have accidentally caught something on fire. (Le microwave.)
[x] You have caught yourself drooling. (...)
So far: 11/16 (Yesh, less of a retard.)

[x] You have fallen asleep in class. (Who wouldn't?)
[] Sometimes you just stop thinking.
[x] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you were talking about. (All the time.)
[x] People often shake their heads and walk away from you. (They don't shake their heads.)
[] You are often told to use your "inside voice." (I personally don't like LOUD people that much.)
So far: 14/21 (YESH!)

[] You use your fingers to do simple math. (I'm good in math so no :P)
[x] You have eaten a bug by accident. (I think so... I was sitting on the bed watching T.V. with my mouth open(?) and something flew in there and got swallowed =_=")
[x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important. (Another long night >.>)
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it. (When I was like 5 with a bathing suit---maybe that's why I don't wear them now; don't know if I learned how to put them on correctly...)
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time. (It was on my face; e.g: glasses xD and the toothpicks were on the table the whole time and I missed it somehow.)
So far: 18/26 (Lol, 50% retarded right now)

[] You re-post bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't. (Bulletins/Chains are GAY!---can't believe I used too.)
[x] You break/lose a lot of things. (Psh, that's what I get for being such a slob.)
[x] You tilt you're head when you're confused. (Reminds me of the Maria from the manga Devil and Her Love Song x]; I tilt my head because I LIKE to.)
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before. (Computer chair, it hurt like shit.)
[x] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling. (I try to find pictures in the texture of my blankets :3)
[x] The word "um" is used many times a day. (I'm a teen, "um" is like "like")
[x] You don't know what "um" means. (What DOES it mean?)
[x] You say "what" and "huh" a lot. (OMG as well.)
[x] You used a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin. (I'm not that good at math.)
Total: 26/35

Apparently, I'm beyond retarded because I ended up with 104% but if I did proportions it turned out around 74%. I wasn't sure what they wanted xD
Isn't this cool?! Peta made it for his sister :O It's so GODLY. It's to bad he didn't share some of the Starburst with me TT_TT I'm sure she'll love your present anyway ^^

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Dec 17, 2008


The Binded Staircase

...And to think I was going to go to sleep early for once. Instead of finishing starting biology homework, I'm doing this.

Today, I went to Ultra Crafts club and didn't really do much. I tried to cut and sew up some cloth to make clothes for my voodoo transvestite Thomas doll but I ended up just cutting up the last piece of big cloth available ==" Anyways, Alyssa brought this really fluffy(?) soft yarn and kinda messed up her scarf. During dismissal, she lent me it to help her redo the whole thing.

Since I had to redo the scarf, I had to undo all the stitches that had been done and string it into a ball. While going down the stairs, I asked Thomas to pull the scarf while I start stringing. This is when things started turning out bad... Thomas, athletic as he is thought it was fun and ran the the flights and I couldn't keep up so I had to follow the trail of loose string. When we made it to the first floor, somehow Courtney got the rest of the scarf and started going up the stairs so the loose string was tying up the whole staircases. People were leaving and they're shocked and all but didn't bother to ask so they just left. Courtney, the witnessed accomplice just left the scene of the crime and when I gathered up the yarn to finish rolling up the ball, there was still string everywhere---wtf. It was concluded that somehow cut it and when I was complaining, cursing, and threatening people, this English(?)teacher was walking down the stairs and said she was the one who cut it (when I asked, "who the hell cut it?!" It was so scary but she gave me back another piece of cut tangled string and left without much problems. She was the supervisor for the Key Club and I've seen how mean she can be, I pass by her (and even once bumped into her >_<") when going to English class. WHY THE FCK DID SHE HAVE TO CUT IT?! IT WAS SUCH NICE YARN! I'M SO SORRY ALYSSA TT-TT... (btw, there were three pieces altogether >.>; sorry if the knots make you're scarf look bad).

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Dec 12, 2008


School Play: Metamorphoses


I slept at like 2:30 am yesterday... the latest ever on a school night. I was up most of the night after postponing finishing my biology essay and global project for five hours. I wasn't doing nothing during those five hours though; there was some productive work such as scanning pictures from the National Geographic book for Karinina to put on the poster and (re)scanning the food labels for biology (Chinese style sausage nutrition facts are just so hard to get a clear scan of). Then there's the whole editing part to enhance the quality of the images, reduce byte size, and crop to a smaller size (scans come out HUGE). Anyway, I finished biology took me at least two hours to finish the conclusion (which was all I really needed besides editing the other stuff). I didn't have much time to add more to my part of the global report on Egypt (Geography and Origins was what I was doing) but somehow managed to compile a really crappy pointless paragraph to extend my part. Our presentation for it today was long...over half the period but I think we did pretty good considering I've been told many students gave us a 9/10 for rating---I think it was the sucky-flavored "Egyptian" gum we gave out *BRIBE* (it was actually Trident Coconut Coolado or something).

English teacher was gonna give us extra credit if we went to watch; I'm not sure how he'll know since we don't have any proof but out tickets (and Molly lost hers...>.>") Anyways, he'll at least accept the crappy Playbill right?

I didn't think of actually going to the school play until Rebecca and Molly told me they were going for the credit. Somehow, I managed to gather $5 and since Courtney got the ticket for me, I stayed at the library before going out 9th to eat at McDonalds.

I hate the McDonalds we went too... it was overcrowded and when I went to buy a snack wrap, I kept alternating between two lines. It's just my luck that when I saw that the other line had less people, I go over and if I hadn't, I would've gotten my order already because my previous line was faster. This happened a few times. I see that the other line just finished an order, I go over. A new customer takes my place at the previous line. That customer orders before I do. I go back...etc. etc. When I finally stopped and decided to stick with one line, this guy who had major B.O., speech problem, and was probably a bit retarded, came next to me after I ordered. The counter lady took his order which was a drink. The employee got him a Coke and he starts saying he wanted orange juice. She probably misunderstood because of the way he talked but he decided to take the Coke while counting out dimes, nickels, and pennies to pay. This took a while and I was just standing there looking around, trying hard not to breathe unless I needed too. When the lady went to get my order, she said something to the manager or something and gave me this look. I have a feeling they were making fun of me; maybe how I must've looked as a reaction towards Levey (at least I think that's what the Coke guy's name was---he seemed intimate with the counter lady). Overall, I had another bad McDonalds experience. Just to make it clear, I had no problem with Levey except maybe his hygiene but I did want to complain to the manager about the long wait for my food and how the employee fulfilled Levey's order before my own. Have they ever learned that you're supposed to serve food to people who ordered it first?! The snack wrap wasn't as good as I expected (grilled chicken with Chipotle BBQ sauce). The chicken was to small. I preferred honey mustard crispy chicken... but I wanted to try something new.

I've noticed I've ranted a whole lot already so I'll keep the summary on the play at a minimum. It was interesting actually, although full of incest. I believe Metamorphoses was supposedly a compilation of myths, particularly Greek. There the the one about the Golden Touch where the greedy king was granted the desire of turning anything he touched into gold but learned his lesson when he turned his daughter (WHO DOES NOT "BE STILL"---inside joke) into gold. I thought the next story was rather creepy. I couldn't really hear but this king was cursed by "Hunger" and couldn't stop eating. He even sold his mother away for food! In the end, there was no meat left for him to eat so he started devouring himself...

I forgot most of the other stories but there was one on the God of Spring (I think) fell for this female garden enthusiast. The god dressed up as various characters who would pass by the maiden to exchange a few words. His final disguise was of an old woman (the actor literally put on a blond wig and some sort of weird granny dress) and told the girl a story of Aphrodite...or something. He was trying to convince her to desire a lover. In conclusion, the girl was onto him and demanded he remove his guise. He was "naked" (the actor was still wearing clothes) in the story and the maiden fell in love after looking at his bare body?!

Incest. Oh how every disturbing. A daughter falls in lover with her single(?) father and consults the nurse. The nurse convinces the father to sleep with 'a girl that's in love with him' and when asked about age, 'the girl was the same age as his daughter'. He agrees, apparently, but in order to make love with this stranger, he had to blindfold himself. So the father has sex with his daughter two times consecutively. Before the third time, he asks to take off his blindfold and accidentally does, discovering that he had been sleeping with his own daughter. The daughter runs away into the forest and fades away or something.

The other myth that contained incest wasn't as disturbing, rather I liked it. Incest was between divine beings so it doesn't really matter ==" Cupid was in love with Pysche who was his mother, Venus's sister. It was quite funny how the actor for Cupid, wore a black shirt and shorts with a leaf prop dangling from his private area (Cupid was supposed to be naked).

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Dec 11, 2008

Currently: About to start and finish Global Project essay and Biology essay...

I just had to go on here and write something. I need to calm down because I'm about to explode from anxiety. As you've seen, I've got some major stuff to finish and yet; I'm just lazying around doing crap.

Anime club sucks ass at the moment. The teacher of the room we use has put some restrictions; such as not being allowed in until the advisor arrives (usually 15 minutes later). Today, it took forever to get the anime up, and I wasn't very interested either. It was Rozen Maiden; I watched that like a few months ago. Although the storyline was unique and wasn't that bad, I just wasn't very content with it probably because the plot was way to bizarre. Anyways, we barely got through 1/3 of the episode before the bell rang and everyone had to leave.

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Dec 10, 2008


2nd Marking Period


I meant to post sooner but I keep forgetting and was distracted once I start so I never really finish writing what I wanted too...such as the story about my English substitute's puzzle that I could've gotten two movie tickets (of any choice) and a $20 gift card from, if I solved it, and then the unorganized day I had after that class...well anyways, today we got our report cards for the 2nd Marking Period which finished somewhere around the end of November. Surprisingly, I didn't expect a high grade than last marking period (even it if was .34% higher). I seriously thought I would fail and would complain about failing quizzes and shit. Having gotten good grades after all my complaining probably cause a few people to dislike me since they didn't get what they expected and didn't complain. I've started to realize I'm more of a despicable person than I though I was.

  • Geometry 100
  • Global 91 (raised 1 point)
  • Spanish II 95
  • Phys. Ed. 90
  • Bio Lab 97 (raised 6 points)
  • DDP 95 (dropped 2 points)
  • English 95
  • Biology 93 (raised 1 point)
So basically, if I didn't have 6 more points in Bio Lab, I would've gotten the same average as last quarter xD Total Average: 96.45%... I don't plan on keeping that for long TT-TT

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Dec 4, 2008


New Layout--err, Template?


I would just like to say: I'm dead. I know it's getting pretty old but because I just spent the last 5-6 hours finishing up this layout, I didn't start homework :[ I just hope that when I look into my agenda, there will be very little homework that needs to be done...

Please do comment on this layout :] I know it's really plain and I used original Photoshop patterns for everything xD I accept constructive criticism not flaming (that includes insults Alyssa!) >.> I don't think I should be criticized non-constructively since I did just give up all my time coding this dam thing. I wanted to make one of these one column layouts at least once! I was inspired by Miychi's new layout. I admit I did take and customized some of her ideas (such as the bottom links) so I think I need to give proper credit (even if she will never find this blog :3). Dang, Blogger layouts are so long... I had to figure out the widgets' elements and stuff in order to style them. The "Archive" looks hideous. I tried to make it look more organized by fixing the margins and padding but it just won't listen so I gave up cause it was wasting my time >.> I don't think I'm going to make another layout for a year or so...

New layout means new music as well---usually. I know the volume is not adjustable but I'll fix it another day ==" I LOVE ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION!!! :3

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Dec 2, 2008

I was designing my new template for this blog and forgot about homework. Oh shit. Well, I think all that I need done now is coding and if that works out, you'll be seeing a lot of green @_@ It's extremely plain besides the fact I wasted like 2 hours working on the simple ugly header.

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I found out that Tech has forced me onto a routine that encourages bad habits. I am procrastinating more than ever, staying up later than before, and I'm starved for the whole school day (mostly my fault for joining mediation...). Anyhow, this pretty much sucks.

...I really don't have much to say =.= Nothing has happened in school that is getting on my nerves---yet.

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Dec 1, 2008




I hate DDP-PLTW. You'd think I would actually favorite this class since I'm into computer designing stuff and the related, but I just despise the class so much. Our instructor loads up with so much work; expecting us to multitask. I didn't know, but the Inventor tutorials were due today. It was lucky that I had most of the tutorials done since everyone shares :] Sucks for us, who don't have the program at home (hey, I tried and wasted about 8 hours of my life). I was panicking to finish the leftover objects that were due and when I got to the additional exercises for Fillets and Rounds and Revolver, I blanked. That shit is so hard to comprehend I decided to just give up. I was missing like one other besides these two and it's all because she talked to fast for us to write down everything that's due. She kept changing the due date as well so confusion just overtook me. I got no clue what we're even supposed to accomplish.

We ran out of time for her to check everyone's tutorials. She demanded those who haven't been graded go after 9th period to show her, so I had to stay at the library for a pointless period. When we went to the classroom, it was overcrowded with Outreach people and when she finally came 10 minutes later, she said she'll give us an extension and will check on Wednesday. MAD GAY! I needed to leave after 9th for no reason. I hated leaving after 9th and there are many reasons for it. First and foremost, I dislike how crowded it is. Second, I don't want to run into people because they expect me to say hi and talk to them, acting all friendly when we barely know each other. I just don't fit in with those crowds of people I know. It also makes me feel sad to see people I know from way back, how we used to talk and all and they've (as well as I've) changed so much we probably don't get along anymore.

In another event, I think I've made a bad impression for this guy DDP instructor (I think someone said he was Mr. Williams but I think they got mixed up---he was older with gray in his hair). I forgot my USB and went to get it 7th period, when I had lunch and that teacher had a class. I felt bad for disrupting his class and he made me go through this whole procedure for making sure the USB drive was mine. I ono, he seemed friendly enough but I could tell he was annoyed >.>" Later when I went to the classroom where Outreach was held for my tutorials to be checked, I went outside the room to wait and he came and closed the door on me ==" I'm pretty sure he recognized me...

I got a 99 on my spanish test which was surprising because I was so sure I failed (spanish grammar is so complicated). What's more surprising is I got a 99 on my bio test :O (94 without extra credit). That test was hard! Anyhow, it made my day :] I just hope I can keep this up for the rest of the year and then the next three.

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Certified Procrastinator, All-time Complainer, Indebted Freeloader, Uninspired Web-Designer, Obssessive Anime & Manga/Manhwa Enthusiast (Fujoshi), Idiot Computer Addict, Lazy Student.
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