Nov 29, 2009


Relatively New

So I went out to get my XP fixed and I find out that it was a hard drive problem that can't be fix.  I had to get a new 160gb hard drive and that totaled $55 with the $35 labor of installing it along with getting back some data from the damaged drive.  The guy was gonna get my data back for free (if it was a few mb which turned out to be 10 gigs) so if I just left with my hard drive not installed, I could've saved $35 (not actually saying I can do it myself but it can't be that hard connecting a few wires, could it?---he took out the hard drive in like 1 minute.)  It's not even guarantied the XP can last 3 months considering all the other components are so fcken ancient.

Oh oh oh, I'm so worried for my family's finances this month.  We spent maybe $400 more than usual (and most of it is on credit which isn't used so often!) and now they plan to get a friggin' drawer?  (Although I do think we need one since our current one has crooked shelfs that separate the clothes in a zig zig pattern.)

Gosh, wasted like 5 hours today reinstalling some programs and the like.  I still have an English essay I've yet started!!! 

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Nov 27, 2009


Equivalent Exchange

Something from Fullmetal Alchemist but also a true concept in the world, or so I believe.  So although I was happy with all the cheap stuff I was able to get... something is always there to spite me.

These are the things I got:

The result of the cancellation order was unsuccessful. I'll refund it if I don't sell it off (NEW Acer X203H 20" Widescreen Flat-Panel HD LCD Monitor (Black) for $95!)  Best buy is an ass... why'd fck can't they just cancel the fcken order when they didn't even ship it off yet?!!!  I need to waste $9.71 on shipping and won't get a friggin' refund.  HATE THEM.

My mom sold of one of my new USBs to her friend for $15 (we profit a few cents) cause she saw that I had like a few others.

It was decided that my brother will be using the new monitor.  It looks nicer with the XP than the Vista.  I'll be using the V7 monitor I got at the beginning of the year; still not used to the widescreen so I'll stick with square monitors.  Before connecting anything, I decided I'll do some cleaning up.  My brother and I OD dusted off the computer (insides and out) and when we reconnected everything, the computer doesn't work...

I got an error which I believe is a combination of dusting off parts we shouldn't have touched and having the updates when the computer shut down.  I got a 01/01/0: Error allocating I/O Bar for PCI device which is preventing me from fixing the other problem with the missing vgaoem.fon.  The latter would be fixed somehow with the OS installation but I can't run it because of the former.

I found out that we had math homework.  I haven't even started my other hw yet.  I'm so screwed.

I didn't get any sleep after waking up 5:30 in the morning and sleeping at about 1 last night.

Life stinks. 

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Black Friday: Organized Society

Woke up at 5:30 and waited on line at Staples for about 45 minutes.  There was a drizzle and my mom and I had no umbrella.  Surprisingly, it wasn't as hectic as I thought it'd be.  There was a line that stretched around the parking lot and they only allowed 10 people to go in at a time.  What's funny is, 10 people would go in about every 5-10 minutes and only one person would come out.

I was able to get two HP 8gb USBs (two because my mom thought it was cheap and didn't want us to have stayed on line for so long for no reason.)  We were on yet another line for check-out.  While my mom waited online, she would notice what other people are getting and would tell me to get some more stuff too.  We got a pack of Staples brand 100 CD-R since it's only about $5 after rebate.  I wanted to get a new mouse for my XP since the optical one has been around for a while but apparently, the $10 HP mouse was sold out.  We ended up getting a $30 Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse and Keyboard set (it was $50 off); my brother is not allowed to use it until he starts sleeping earlier and gets into a specialized high school.

My mom wanted me to get the $90 eMachines 21.5" monitor since it would be cheaper to get the one I order online yesterday.  This monitor has some pretty decent features and includes a speaker too.  I around and was told it was sold out three times.  While we were online, I had tried to ask one more time and actually got one reserved.  I'm a bit skeptical about getting it though,. I don't like the brand.

Now since I got a monitor, I need to cancel the order for the 20" Acer one from Best Buy.  Problem?  I've been on the phone for the past 2 hours trying to speak to an agent in order to cancel.  I'm currently still on hold.  It's not even weekends or after 9:00 so I gotta pay for waiting... 

Hold it, I got someone!  She says that since my mom's not here, she can't cancel it...  Oh, but she said I can get full refund (with shipping) if I return it after it arrives... how troublesome!  I will call again and pretend I'm my mom >.>  Hopefully, they can just cancel it! >_< 

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Nov 25, 2009

Staples is having an extra early savings event.  I wanted the $80 19" Acer Monitor.  It was available two days ago when I checked so I thought I'd go with my dad today to place an order (I didn't think my mom would have a credit card so I could've ordered online) like we did last time.  Yesterday I checked again and IT'S SOLD OUT.  WTFFF!!!  I'm pretty down about this since now I'll have to risk my life to try and get another $80 monitor that is available at Best Buy on Black Friday (only 15 per store :OOO) goodness, and I wanted to get the $13 8 gb usb at Staples (it's part of their early bird special)...  It'd be easier to get the usb...  but I want the monitor more.  If I don't get either on Friday, I'm gonna lash out.

Edit on Thanksgiving, 11.26.09---What I want to buy but ended up getting instead.
So today, I decided I really wanted the $500 HP desktop (Windows 7, 8 gb RAM, 1 TB harddisk space, AMD Athlon II X4 Quad Core Processor, Deskjet D1530 Color Printer included)---it's really too hard to believe.  I would've totally gotten this if it didn't happen to be sold out online when I found out that Black Friday Deals were available today for Best Buy (gosh, another missed opportunity!).  I wouldn't have gotten the monitor otherwise.  In the end, I just ordered the $80 20" Acer Monitor online (for the first time) since my mom didn't want to go and wait and risk not even getting anything.  I still would've liked to get the monitor from Staples because they had free shipping!  There were some cheap laptops and I might've chosen to get it if it weren't sold out as well =_=

Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up early and try to get the $13 USB at Staples!  It may be selfish and paranoid of me, but I would also like to get the $70 500 gb WD portable drive (still grateful for the 320 gb everyone came together to get for me---I feel like I'll have it used up very soon though!---turns out that its $49 on sale at Walmart right now.) 

I went with my parents to NWL one hour before closing to get some last minute stuff that were on sale.  We could've gotten a $10 gift card for the next purchase if we paid $50.  We ended up buying only $41 worth of items...  I got my St. Ives Microdermabrasion for only $3 :O  Hopefully, I can get the Olive Cleanser and Olive Scrub tomorrow (oh I feel like I'm wasting money on useless things >.>) but it's so cheap! >_<  I like St. Ives products and would like to try them all out :/  I also got Pond's Cold Cream for only $4 :3

The bad part about shopping when stuff are cheap is waiting on line.  There was a guy in front of us who bought like 30 bags of plates...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  I can't say I'm celebrating this year (for dinner, all I had were mushrooms, squid and rice.)

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Nov 16, 2009


The Problem with Transportation

Peter was a fcken dick for making us walk more than we had to to go to the fcken train station. We followed him out of Asiantown and into the government district, full of columns and skyscrapers and the like. I could've taken the friggin' N train which was like a street away but we, the people, ended up following him with promises of a relatively close station with N, tracking about a mile to get to a friggin' R/W station so some of us had to transfer and waste more time!

When I was crossing the bridge, it was still light out. After passing through the tunnel and into the openness of 8 avenue, it was dark as the sun is bright. Damn you son of a gun; I should've really just grabbed the friggin' squirrel, ripped its head off and shove it down your throat.

I got blisters on my feet.

Thank you Annie and Peter for 1/2 a dumpling each.

I love you Jang Geun Suk <3!  (My current favorite actor :3)

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Nov 12, 2009


News Story: We can infer this kid got a BJ


*Warning:  Sexual content*
That kid is definitely gay.
So here we see someone who made an immature deduction about this story. 0 pt
You're comment is so stupid, it doesn't deserve a reply. A decent reply to stupidity but... 1 pt
"YOUR" comment is stupid. If you don't know why, then "YOU'RE" an idiot.
Ohoho... An idiot trying to correct something. 1 pt

You're post to me doesn't make any sense at all. What do you mean, "If I don't know why?" Don't know what?
Ah, the intellectual one doesn't get it...  -1pt
Idiot wins~ :3
You're comment is so stupid, it doesn't deserve a reply.
...and yet, YOU did. OH THE IRONING!
Oh, I'd thought you would be so smart if only you said "irony".  Epic phail.  -1000 pts + 1 pt for humor.
Jennifer wrote:
Has anyone, at all, wondered if this even happened the way this boy said it did? I mean, how did a girl manage to reach under a table, unzip his pants, go through his undergarments and do a "sexual act" all the while no other child or teacher noticed it? Also, isn't it a little unusual that a 3rd grade boy would even be able to physically go through this? I find this very difficult to believe. Though children usually do not make this sort of thing up, it is ironic to me that no one of this post or the media has asked about the other side of this. Has no one considered that she is not at fault all by herself? Perhaps they both participated? I really wish people would look at all the angles before they jump to conclusions. You weren't there. This parent wasn't there.
You must be a relative, because you sound like a complete moron..........
Oh!  I think so as well xD  I've been wanting someone to reply that :3
Other retarded comments I found funny and just plain hilarious ones from a forum (forwarded by Billy.)  Everything else was humored me because of talks about prayer (I'm skeptically atheist, probably) or about "We should do something about this" and "What are kids doing these days" concerned comments that would amount to nothing.  There's also a certain poster who likes to troll in order to fix grammatical errors (not the idiot mentioned above) for people.

"i wish i had girls like that in my class in school :)"
"What sex act did she perform?"
"We know which team he swings for early at least."
"Teacher Fired over Facebook Picture"
These kids are very advanced for some reason, they know about things they shouldn't know about at that age.
I can give you the culprit in one word: Google.
But Google is my friend CTK  It raised me as one of its own sons and made me the person that I am tod-

My GOD, let's kill it before it gets to the chil-

Only one thing can be trusted gentlemen, and that is televisi-

Congrats, school librarian, for sucking at your job.
My pun senses are tingling
"And some of us can't get blowjobs in our twenties.


I was supposed to be studying but got caught up for 45 min doing this; so appreciate it :X  I know it's not right to make fun of this "rape" but hey, the world's not gonna fall over because of it (maybe it can if such an insignificant matter to most because worldwide.)  I had some other things I was gonna write about but I forgot... Oh but the Alyssa's Spongebob balloon is now floating around and its more determined in coming after me and staring at me and bothering me as I do my homework.  Anyhow, I'm going to finish this one episode of Shining Inheritance and study a bit... was hoping I would've studied earlier but this video and blog entry postponed my original schedule.

Anyhow, I pray I pass my Trig test and Spanish and Chemistry quizzes tomorrow... >_<

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Nov 11, 2009



My mom got me my oversize kid backpack for freshman year because she wanted something that didn't hurt my back.  Lately, it's been hurting my shoulders back.  I think the reason for this is because it's too big and there's too little stuff in there that the weight of things mess up (although it makes it look like I have textbooks in there.)  I had wanted to use it for the rest of high school though (I've never used the same book bag for more than 2 years :/  My old ones are now under my bed filled with all my past notes.)  It's also kinda embarrassing knowing that 5-year-olds have the same bag as you (I saw one half my size carrying the same one in 8 ave, where my mom bought it, and my bro said he saw this other kid who lives around my neighborhood with the same bag.)  Recently I was asked why I carry a freshman book bag.  I already know it looks like one but really, I don't give a cow's ass about any of these things.  I just need one that won't discomfort my back and shoulders.

I always wanted a simple gray medium-size Jansport backpack.  I have a solid blue one that's smaller then my convenient size.  I finally found the latter and will be switching to it.  Surprisingly, it actually fits all the crap I have and doesn't trouble my back as much as the e-mouse one.

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Nov 8, 2009


What Trig Homework Does to You

Me (10:46:14 PM): like 49m^2 - 250m + 25
Jeffrey (10:46:18 PM): yup
Jeffrey (10:46:20 PM): thats what i got
Me (10:46:25 PM): cool cool

Jeffrey (10:51:06 PM): oh
Jeffrey (10:51:11 PM): i think its no solution
Me (10:51:27 PM): LMAO

Jeffrey (10:47:17 PM): omg
Jeffrey (10:47:23 PM): this shit is making me
Jeffrey (10:47:25 PM): feel mad weird
Jeffrey (10:47:26 PM): like
Jeffrey (10:47:33 PM): i have this weird feeling right now
Jeffrey (10:47:34 PM): idk what it is
Me (10:47:46 PM): im going mad
Jeffrey (10:47:50 PM): i feel like running around and screaming

Currently in the midst of doing math homework and having my sanity oozing slowly away.

Edit: *sigh* I don't get to see a Shining Inheritance episode today ;A;

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Nov 7, 2009


The Sacrifice

I fail at Spanish and Chemistry now... my best subjects that are now my worse.  How'd that happen?!  Today I got my Spanish test back and found out I got a 76 which later became an 82 because I had to explain some mishaps (she still wouldn't give me full points though...)  I'm friggin' piss; there's gotta be something wrong with my head or something.

We had a chemistry quiz yesterday...  I got at least 2/10 of the multiple choice wrong.  I misread one of the question and for the other, I chose the correct choice but changed it last minute; don't you just hate when that happens?!  Then I wrote ionic bonds had polarity *facepalm*stupid.  Everyone around me probably got full points---Damn you Mr. 99 :X  This is total BS.

I went to volunteer at the office yesterday.  I had to file.  I really dislike filing; not only because the cabinets are right next to the stinky bathroom, but I just suck at it.  My boss gave me some papers that were paper clipped so I assumed they go together but I later found out, they were stapled by date, not by name.  I couldn't find one of the packets =_=

I got home from the library and watched Chungking Express.  It's a really old modern Chinese film, dated 1994 or 1995.  The storyline was based around two love forlorn cops and the plot revolved around romance as its theme.  I can't say I disliked the movie because I thought the first story was good and the overall movie was unique but it's a bit strange for a love story.  Then again, who wouldn't like a story about a cop who got dumped by his girlfriend, May of 5 years and is still attached, thus, continues to buy his girlfriend's favorite food, pineapples, everyday and only if the can expires May 1st, his birthday.  When he gets 30 cans, right before his birthday, he'll give up on her.  Then there's a woman who goes around in a raincoat, wig, and sunglasses; hires some Indians to help her smuggle drugs only to have them deceive her and runaway.  She goes around with a gun, asking around to find her traitors and even goes as far as to kidnap a shopkeepers daughter (this part was quite funny, the shopkeeper refuses to tell her information and when he goes to the back of the shop, leaving his young daughter on the counter, the woman just carries her away.)  The blackmail is successful and she goes shoot down some Indians.  The others chase her to get revenge for their fallen brethren but she escapes on a train and next thing you know, she's at the bar and the cop, wanting to give up on his ex, is determined to fall in love with the next woman who steps in... which is the drug-dealing lady.  It's funny that this whole thing happens in an interval of 2-3 days.  The other cop story was not as action-packed but was very funny; especially when the cop talks to his soap bar, towel and giant stuffed polar bear (which later becomes a Garfield but he looks through this and says to it "Look at you, when'd you become so dirty?  You used to be white and now you're all yellow.  And look at these scars (the whiskers); did you get into fights?"

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Nov 5, 2009


A Glorious Day: Following the Glorious Revolution that didn't showed up on the test.

I finally passed the math test!  *kanpai*  I also got lucky with AP European.  I got two questions wrong on the 25 question test we took yesterday and my teacher decided to omit those two questions since the amount of people who got it wrong was ridiculous.  61% and 94% for questions 1 and 3; reason: the answer choices consisted of more than one possible answer.  That results in full score on the multiple choice section for me.  Though I'm not entirely lucky since she decided to count our essays toward the final grade (you know, the essay I worked my butt of but also bsed/gave up on yesterday?)  That's probably going to affect my score drastically.  I don't think I'm doing so well in Spanish anymore...  it's this feeling.  I'm dosing off in class now and don't finish the classwork :/  Need to work harder...*distraction*Ooh!  Dramas! *follows*

Procrastination should be a sin.  Then I can be accused of heresy and get convicted so I don't have to put up with all this shtuff anymore.

Another great accomplishment:  I'm part of the winning team in the soccer game :O (Although I didn't do much: I stood around, waving my arms like the sun don't shine, ran a bit after the ball to seem like I'm trying and laughed the whole time because I think gym is just oh so funny...  The guy who smokes pot was probably high because when he was defense with me, he would shout words of encouragement loudly and randomly.)

In Chemistry, we had some competition and my group won---woot~  Never knew chem would be so interesting when it involves glue, paper puzzles and 20 minute time limit.

Edit:  Wow, just noticed that I posted the previous entry today; at 12:44 in the morning no less.

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Was it supposed to take this long?

Right, so I finished almost all my homework by 7:30 today.  Quite an amazing feat.  But 'twas ruined by the prolonged period of essay writing.  Luckily, I watched my semi-daily episode of Shining Inheritance before I started :3  Then I took a shower and commenced with the writing at around 10?  I thought I'd be finish in an hour or so; yeah right...  This shtuff is so complicated :(  I must blame my writing and thinking skills though.  My compositions are very unorganized and I sorta accuse Wasserstein for it.  We didn't touch much on writing so for a whole year, my idleness has caused me to loose confidence in essays and papers.

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