Oct 31, 2009


I don't like sour or spoils

I'd made plans a few weeks prior to go trick-or-treating with my long time friend.  We had arranged to dress up as mafioso.  I originally consulted with her about plans to visit her some time before Halloween so we can get everything ready :/  The costumes and the like.  Since yesterday was half day, I was gonna go to her house after school.  I spent about a little more of an hour at Party City with some people and tried contacting her to ask if I can come over.  Her phone was dead so instead, I hung out with Meagan and Kari for a bit.  I never saw my friend online yesterday so I couldn't talk to her about meet up and all.  She was on today but away since I woke up.  I tried calling her which wasn't successful so my last resort was just to pick her up at her house.  I went and found that she was out.  Her mom called her and found out that she had gone to Staten Island Mall with someone.  I'd thought that I had the wrong number because no one picks up when I call.  Turns out I did have the right number; so she answers her mom and not me?  If she really didn't wanna hang out with me, she should've just said so.  I would rather be rejected than stood up.

I ended walking around for a while, feeling pretty down in the dumps and devastated.  I didn't feel like trick-or-treating alone but I really did want candy.  I didn't have anyone else to go with since everyone I knew lived pretty far away or was trick-or-treating far away.  I wanted to go hang out at Meagan's house for a bit but she wouldn't let me and my cousins were out (I wanted to play Rockband).  I went to the park and sat there eating candy and when it started to drizzle, I just went home.

I am in the mood to watch dramas but I can't find A Millionaire's First Love!  I should really start homework; I gotta type up my outlines and write an essay for Euro, do Trig, Spanish and Chemistry homework...also read and answer some questions about Act 1 of The Crucible...  Too much to finish in one day but I'm really not in the mood to start today.

Edit: Okay, so my brother came home with a shitload of candy :D  And he gave me 1/3 of it ^_^


My Brother's Bag

My Bag

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Oct 29, 2009


It was indeed a waste of time

I went to Parent Teacher Conference today to see my math teacher.  I was to translate for my mom.  We arrived when the doors opened and there was a line outside that spanned half the perimeter of the school...  We eventually got in 10 minutes later.  We arrived at the room and signed in, then sat down and waited.  We waited...  the clocked ticked and an hour passed.  My dear mother was getting highly impatient.  She didn't realize that we signed in and had to wait until our name is called (we had like ten people ahead of us); she wanted to just get it over with when the preceding parent left...like some sort of race to the empty seat between the parents in the room and my mom was the only player.  We got into a small argument resulting in waiting some more.  Later on, at home, she complained about the issue to my grandpa.  She called me an ignorant Chinese-American; she still thought she was right.

The conference was pretty short considering we waited almost 2 hours just to speak with him.  I knew we shouldn't have come.  I wasn't the only one who had to sit through the brutal prolonged period of idleness.  Mabel was there too but she was lucky she had the new Septimus Heap book to read.

The talk was pretty much pointless and brief.  My mom knew I did terrible.  I knew I sucked at honors trigonometry.  The teacher knew I failed the tests pretty bad.  End of discussion.  What's embarrassing though, was that while waiting for the train, my mom said my breath smelt funky when I was translating.  *headdesk*

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Oct 28, 2009


Sweating Bullets

After I got my report card, I was pretty much ready to give up for the rest of the day.  It discouraged me further when I found out that I forgot to do Spanish homework during lunch.  Ugh...  I slept really late last night even though I could've slept earlier because I procrastinated; read manga until like 10 and then started doing the outline for European (which took forever and I was still only halfway done) and didn't bother with Spanish.  I guess I was just scared that I might loose my 98 average in Spanish... which is my highest grade and one that I'm proud of achieving.  The dread of thinking I didn't do Chemistry homework either was just excruciating but I was relieved to know that it was actually due on Monday.

Failed math with a 55, as expected.  It pissed me off to see the comment "Needs to go to after school tutoring" when I do go, although not as much as I'd like to since I'm preoccupied with clubs...  My friend had told me that if you go to your teachers for tutor, they take notice and give you extra points; BS.

I despise that fact that my mom found out about the Parent Teacher Conference.  Now I gotta go with her to translate which is a friggin' waste of my time when it's only one teacher.

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Oct 26, 2009



Ahah, if I remember correctly; I had an entry by the same title back in 8th grade for my Stray Dog blog.  Anyhow, coincidentally, both concern my failure in math.

I'll make this short and simple and sour:
I have a math test tomorrow (and one for chemistry but it's multiple choice... which I hope would be easy to pass.)
There is a 99% I will fail the math test.  1% of passing if he was in a good mood and gave simple questions that will make your head click.

Reasons?  Cause and effect, really.
I haven't started homework yet and it's 9:10 → Will finish homework very late → Will not have time to study; studying won't do much anyhow considering how my notes look like illiterate chickens scratched up the paper in an attempt to write.

I believe I got a phone call from the school reporting my class failure.  My mom missed the call and said something about it being from NYC so she assumes its just one of Bloomberg's promotional calls.

Lucky me, wooh!... at least until Wednesday when the report cards come in.  OTL

Edit @ 10:48: I confessed that I failed math to my mom.  She sighed and was disappointed.  She spread it on to the others in the family.  My dad was teasing and probing me, making me feel bad.  My brother complained that everyone else was blaming him that I failed or something about how he needed to take my place?  My grandma was indifferent about it.  My grandpa was upset.  He thought that I won't be able to go to college 'cause I failed math.  I told him I didn't fail any math tests for college.  He became relieved and put on this whole act about how he was crying inside because he was afraid I wouldn't be able to go to college; fingers wiping his non-existent tears and all.  Is he mocking me?  Trying to comfort my sorrowful state?  Haha, he looked funny.

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Oct 24, 2009


New Theme?

I have an urge to make a new layout for Limitless Queue.  I haven't updated any of my sites lately and I think I'm aggravating my staff @ Etcetera because I haven't been extracting any PNGs for the updates and probably my host for Obscure as well?  I'd originally created a new layout for my other blog, Stray Dog but have yet to fix some glitches to put it up :(  Maybe I should do that today...

Making blogger layouts that aren't classic are a pain.  Classic templates are so much easier since they don't have all the complicated widget crap.  Time to go blogskin browsing...

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Stalking Balloon & You can have baby soft skin too :3

Alright, so I'm a person who has dry skin.  It gets worse in the winter :(  So yesterday in Soph Tech, I applied some moisturizing creme to the tip of my nose 'cause I noticed the skin there was exceptionally dry and didn't want to go around with a flaky nose Dx  We had a substitute and were supposed to work on the mini-project that was due yesterday.   So the guy who sits across from me saw me applying the lotion and thought I was sniffing something.  I had to explain that I had a really dry nose and he wanted some creme too which I much obliged.  For some reason, he put it on his nose too and kinda got the attention of the guys in front and in back of me.  I gave them some of the creme too and they all put it on their noses.  I thought they were mocking me or something until I realized that they thought the moisturizer was just used for the nose (=_=")  The 1st guy exclaims about how soft his nose is and got some more for his weenis (the skin on the the elbow) and James (back) put some on his earlobe and started going on about how its "turning him on" LOL.  He also said he like the scent of it...  the moisturizer is fragrance-free.  Julian (front) put some more on his face too and it seems that although he thought the other two were weird, he just went along.  That was a really awkward experience.

When I went home, my brother found that the balloon Meagan gave me for my birthday had lost a lot of helium.  The other three balloons I got from Nana, Alyssa and Molly (bought from school) were still doing pretty well considering they were cheaper than the Blue Bear one Meagan bought at a gift shop.  I don't think those Asians knew how to fill a balloon well :X  All these balloons are not the rubber ones btw.  They're all made from some shiny material.  Anyway, my brother cut of the ribbon from Meagan's balloon and it started floating in mid-air.  I left it on the other end of my house as my brother and I watched Fade to Black, the latest Bleach movie.  When we were done watching, I turned around and found the balloon in my face O_O  I thought it was pretty cool how it was floating in mid-air and wanted to take a picture but when I went to get my camera ready, it had already floated back through the hall; back to where it came from (like it was running away!)  I found it floating over my brother's bed...  It keeps turning slowly and I had the crazy suspicion that it might turn to the blank side and I'll see a face that wasn't supposed to be there...  When it turned and came closer to me, I thought it was going to stop right in front of me and explode...  Maybe I'm just making exaggerated contemplations but I'm sorta freaked out as to how I'll be able to handle the other three when they end up like their brethren.

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Oct 21, 2009


Failure Encourages Profanity: A Pointless Complaints Entry

My grades are atrocious. I can't complain about them enough. I'd had hopes that I at least past the 2nd math test above 60... I was heartbroken to find that I got a 54! WTF. I went over my answers... I had done so many careless mistakes! Like switching x1 and x2 in one of the formulas; resulting in a totally wrong answer. Others include switching x and y coordinates when plugging the numbers into the equation and not reading the question carefully enough to write down radius and center of a circle. Then there are those problems that I just totally forgot how to solve despite going to tutor the previous day to go over them... (omg, when I was typing this, I had my test exposed and my grandmother saw it! I'm so fcked.)

I also got a 70 on my Tech final. I thought I'd did alright on that one too so I had my hopes up; everything is fcken shattered. I don't think he taught us a lot of the material or maybe I was just careless again. I really despise my current academic state.

You know, now I guess I know how it feels when some ungrateful person scored pretty damn well but keeps complaining they could've done so much better. I'm one of those conceited ego-centric types but I wish I'd been more considerate to those who scored lower than me and kept my mouth shut. Wow, I'm a competitive bitch.

I'm mediocre when it comes to AP Europe though, although I strive to be better :/ I felt disappointed with my exam grade but expected it, seeing how I didn't know a lot of the material on the test; guess I just didn't study enough.

The Internet is a distraction. I'm currently leeching Internet from an Optimum Online connection; my last resort as it seems I can't set up my own network to connect to. Today I arrived home to find an Optimum Online vehicle parked in front of my neighbors home. As I went into my house, it starting to leave... I think they're on to me; so not only am I procrastinating, loosing my eyesight, but there is the risk that I'm probably gonna be arrested or sued until I'm dirt broke and living on the streets.

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Oct 14, 2009


What's long and hard?

No it's not a penis.

It's the PSATs (credits to Molly for the joke.)
I didn't bother studying for it; just didn't have the time due to my procrastination that resulted in finishing homework at 1 yesterday.

The train was really crowded today; I was nearly suffocating. These circumstances seems to prolong this unfortunate ride.

I was almost late for PSATs although there were people who were later than me. What sucked was that we ddin't get our 5 minute break between sessions 3 and 4 cause the teacher is a noob.

I think I did fairly better in reading than math, although I had to rush through them both. I'm quite confident in my grammar skills most of the time after getting 9/10 right in that session on this practice test my teacher gave last week. My vocabulary sucks though I risked getting -1/4 due actually answering the questions anyhow.

I got a math test tomorrow. The last of the marking period. I'm pretty sure that even if I pass with a 100 (which is quite impossible), I'm going to fail the class anyway. Yet I try, I went to tutor today. I think my factoring has improved recently though all the other materials... can't say much about that; especially inequality word problems!

Currently doing English homework. It is going to take a while. I hope I at least have some time to attempt studying for math.

Wtf is a sexton?!

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Oct 5, 2009


Molly and the Fishies II

So today, I wanted to go to 18 avenue because there was originally a cute gift shop there that had a lot of cute stuff so I'm thinking it probably had origami paper too. Turns out the place disappeared and somehow, 18 avenue just became so... desolate. Molly and I stopped by a few stores to look at fish. At the fish store, she bought 10 fishies for a dollar, and I'm thinking that's quite a bargain compared to getting Bub for five. I later found out the reason why they were so cheap: they were feeder fish a.k.a. fish food. Now here I am thinking Molly hates her dad's koi and wants to spike him by getting her own fish to add to the tank for raising. That's not the case, it seems.

I hung out at Molly's house for a bit. That poor only child seems to actually want to understand the koi and probably wants to go to some extent to be on good terms with them? I've the faintest clue since she bangs on the tank and opens the lighting to scare them one minute but is quite determined to see them devour her fish while pestering me to turn and watch the koi start their "attack". Then when the koi crowd together and seems to be having a stealth meeting with one another, Molly feels left out so this ends up making her despise the fish. Them' koi are pretty sensitive too. They quickly change their suspicious antics when I roughly turn around to stare at them—quite sneaky. Molly on the other hand, is either bored, lonesome or just plainly cruel sadistic who likes to torture animals as opposed to watch her little fishes get bullied by the much larger koi (yeah, the yellow one's especially beastly.)

Her father wants to oust the feeder fish, although I can understand, since an animal owner would never want their pet to turn into cannibals. However, I can't say the feeder fish aren't a change of entertainment for the koi... Fish must not feel bored living in a glass container for the remainder of their life, doing nothing but living. Anyhow, Molly told me later on that she was forced to go as far as to put her hand in the tank to get her fish out of it, thus, her hand smells of fish—which isn't very pleasant (at least to me, mind you.)


Oct 3, 2009



is what my first math test reads. I fail.

Tagged by Joann:
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First of all, state 5 interesting facts about the person you awards you
  • She is the person who tagged me.
  • She wears glasses.
  • Has an obsession with horror after passing the paranoia phase.
  • I got her into blogging, heheheh.

Next, state 10 facts about yourself (plus 5 more)
  • I fail at math and I'm Asian.
  • Failure in life is probably my biggest fear.
  • I like anime, manga, manhwa and yaoi.
  • I'm a mean person who can get away with being that way.
  • I avoid horror anything.
  • I am a devout believer in the world ending in 2012.
  • Recently got into the addiction of making kusadamas.
  • I like coffee flavor candy and ice cream but dislike coffee.
  • I dress like an old lady according to *cough*cough*Ronaldthatmofo*cough*cought*
  • I'm a perfectionist.
  • I suck at writing.
  • Got no time to watch anime or drama lately :(
  • I don't like to procrastinate but I do it anyway.
  • I try to be social but I guess I'm just faking it.
  • I think of myself as a very introverted person.
ok, 10 persons who receive this award are (with some description)...

1. Alyssa: Some bi-polar person who hurts me.
2. Rebecca: Some exotic, athletic person with many talents.
3. Amy: Some person from my prefect with very straight hair.
4. Courtney: Some person I'm following who never goes on blogger anyway.
5. Shannon: Some person who abandoned blogger for tumblr.

That's basically all blog buds I know in real life :/ The other 5 can be free for all =_=

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Oct 1, 2009

It's quite late, considering I'm about to start AP Euro homework... which is gonna probably take at least two more hours and I'm not even gonna bother when it hits 1:30. I haven't finished two outlines these past two days but I'll somehow try to manage on the weekend?

Honors trig is killer. However, today was probably the easiest lesson since graphing was my only forte when it comes to algebra. I thought I'd understand it but when I got to the homework, thinking we had to graph, I probably died a little inside when I found it confusing; turns out that we didn't need to graph anyway so I managed to finish the easiest homework he'll probably ever give in good time. My textbook is missing pages...pages I need for homework.

Tech really is degrading my health. I've mentioned this before on another entry but seriously, it's worse now; I wonder how I'll even manage the next two years after sophomore. I basically sleep at 1 or 2 everyday. I need to wake up earlier than I'm supposed to to meet up with a friend who gets 8 hours of sleep just 'cause she wants to get to school early. My sleep deprivation is probably effecting my studies and how I am during class. Towards the end of the day, I'm usually dosing off in the last few periods. I recently starting bringing a canister of tea everyday in an attempt to keep me awake. Sucks that I finish drinking it all by fifth or sixth period.

Today sucked ass. Reason? I lost my pen. It was a pen in which I almost finished using all the ink. I've always wanted to use up a whole pen but it's just my luck that I lose it just when I was about done with it. now I gotta start all over. Well, according to the amount I have to write for Euro daily, I think it'll be empty in no time.

Here I am ranting for the past 10 minutes or so. I should seriously finish homework so I can shower and get some rest.

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Certified Procrastinator, All-time Complainer, Indebted Freeloader, Uninspired Web-Designer, Obssessive Anime & Manga/Manhwa Enthusiast (Fujoshi), Idiot Computer Addict, Lazy Student.
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