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00:47==" I spent 10 minutes trying to find the damn question I wanted to answer and couldn't so I just used the old one xP
Ugh, so yesterday, after school, I went to Seth Low Park to play basketball with Joyce. We didn't have a basketball though... so we just handballed with Michelle. It was so friggin' cold. This guy, Stanley, who couldn't speak english fluently (has the Chinese accent) kept pissing Michelle off by throwing her ball over the fence and onto the sidewalk. After some handball, we went over to a random guy who was playing basketball on his own and asked if we could play too. I was on his team and apparently, he didn't think of me as his teammate because he never passes the ball to me and just runs and shoots. I think the guy preferred to play alone since he didn't look like he was into the whole idea of playing basketball with us. We went back to handball and found that I once again, suck at serving ;I I got better at hitting the ball though since my hands were probably frozen solid. It was funny how Michelle tried serving with ice. The players on the other side got their ball out and one of the guys thought Michelle was gonna get it for them but instead, she goes for the ice xD I left after about an hour since I had to accompany my mom and brother to my great aunt's house. Olfie is so cute <333 >///<
I get home around 6 and started panicking. I had to study for the DDP final that I had today and since I didn't want to hog the computer, I decided I'll try studying all the powerpoints and documents on my ancient Windows 98 (not even SE, it's a first edition ~.~). However, I didn't have Microsoft installed on that computer since it only had 5 gb space and 63 mb RAM (they said it was ass). I decided I would have to probably convert the powerpoints to a .doc file so I could open in Wordpad or something. I first tried to look for some powerpoint viewer program but none of them supported my Windows 98 (it works for SE but not FE ;_;). Then I decided searched up converters and I tried various software that converted the powerpoints to .pdf, .txt, .doc, and even webpage files. Most of them were trials and had stupid limitations (convert only part of each file, etc.) or they just ended up looking extremely messed up. It just so happened that Microsoft had a plug-in for Office 2007 that could save all files into .pdf files that actually look exactly like the slides. Having wasted about one or two hours finding a conversion program, I wasted another 15 minutes converting them. It was probably 10 by the time I tried to view the files on the ancient computer and so I put in my USB to find that I'd removed Adobe Reader from the computer. I had to go back and interrupt my brother during his game to download Adobe Reader 3 (newer versions don't support Windows 98). So the Adobe Reader does read .pdf files but because it's so old and outdated, it couldn't support new features and then errors keep coming up and I couldn't read half the slide because since it didn't support new features, it couldn't show them and just left a blank screen. By this time, I was desperate. Literally almost breaking down, I called Molly for her help and she was to make a study guide and send it to me (which I never got...) Fortunately, my brother got off the computer and P sent me study guides~ I didn't study though, I was tired and wanted to relax so I just read manga till 2:00 in the morning :D
I love Kasugai Nodo Ni Sukkiri Fruit Candy (well their candy in general...)Labels: basketball, computer, ddp-pltw, finals, handball, park, software
Happy Asian New Year! :D Today, I went to school! Hahah...yea, it's sad ==" Since there were so many kids absent, I didn't really do anything today. Everyone who showed up just talked and hanged although in some classes, the teacher actually gave us work.
In math, my teacher was still busy grading so everyone just started drawing on the board with chalk. We didn't get our finals back yet. He's pretty slow with the grading...
We got our term project grades and finals back in global. My group project received 90 and I got 95.5 for global; probably the highest final grade I'm gonna get.
We watched a video about Mexico City in spanish. I got a 89 on the final because apparently, my grammar sucks! My essay got a -7 for grammar (highest is a 10).
In Bio Lab, I wrestled Mikhail (I think I finally spelt his name right...) for a chair. I dunno but I was switching my broken dirty one for a better one and out of no where, he comes and tries to take it from me?! Wth, something is seriously wrongwith that kid... During the two periods, I worked with other people to make a Dichotomas Key for chocolate...I learned what Mounds were.
Wasserstein was absent so we didn't do anything in this class either. What was highly disturbing was that P kept throwing a water bottle at my girl parts while I try to get revenge by kicking his. Darius kept touching everyone...*shiver*
I became a Mediator during "lunch".My grade for my biology final was a 93. I think Weber no longer cares about cussing.
We all eat crap!...SHIT SHIT SHIT!
Labels: finals
*mumble* *mumble*... *low shout*son of a bitch*low shout* *talk about bartending*
Labels: english, finals, procrastination, project
Labels: music
Labels: basketball, ddp-pltw, phys. ed, procrastination, project, spanish, staying up late
Apparently one of my nightmares came true because today, I was late for school. Something went wrong with my mom's alarm so she couldn't wake up to wake me up at the usual time. I actually woke up at 7, the time when I'm supposed to be leaving the house. I go to the train station to see 1-9 period students =3= It's to early for them~ they should stay home later so they won't have to make a big crowd to get into the school ;_; Lucky for me, I'm smart enough to transfer to the R train at 59th street instead of Atlantic-Pacific. No offense, but I find people who don't transfer when the train is right there, pretty stupid. They'd rather stay on a crowded train and wait to transfer later, than go to the train they'd transfer to anyway when it still had seats and it was right there in front of them. Today, the N train arrived at Atlantic later than the R (usually, it's the other way around for me), so the R closed its doors and left when the N train came into the station---bet that would teach those people next time if they got the transfer early idea into their heads.
We started talking about writing in English today and the teacher asked who wrote everyday and boasted about he used to write 3-4 hours everyday in the past (inhuman thoughts: lowlife). Does typing on a blog count for writing daily?
Yesterday, I had a strange dream where I was at school (after vacation) and I was let out early from Mediation. I thought I was going to be early to my last period class but then the bell rang and I was in the north side of the building; I needed to get to the southeast side. I don't know, but I suddenly didn't remember the room number and was to lazy to look at my schedule so I "improvised" and just kept walking up and down the stairs. I was blocked off by a library so I had to go up and down again and was late. I got to class and everyone was outside, the biology teacher was going to take us somewhere or whatever so I just sneaked into the crowd. What's strange was that the biology teacher in my dream was an old woman instead of my actual teacher whose a middle-age man. I didn't bother to know why and when we got to our destination, I realized the attendance has been taken so I hurried to look for the teacher and tell her I was late but she was no where to be found. The fear of having a cut card (or whatever they give for cutting class) scared me and I ended up waking up.
Today, I had another weird nightmare where I went to an after school play and it sucked because people had to sit in those metal folding chairs and the legs didn't have the covering so every time the chairs moved, it made that screeching scratching chalkboard noise. I don't remember anything pertaining to the play and afterward, we could all leave. I told someone to get my bookbag for me because I had to go somewhere and when that person gave me the bag, it turned out it wasn't mine. I was already outside of the school and I needed to get in to find my backpack but I knew the security lady wouldn't let us in again (this happened in reality). I panicked since I had my books, notes and schoolwork in there. I woke up but went back to sleep for another three hours.
How my year ended: Finished two math homeworks; six more to go. Finished biology homework~I didn't need the computer at all xD So yea, I was finishing up some schoolwork. It just so happens that I've been staying up till 1:00 or 2:00 each day during my winter vacation and waking up around 11 ~ 1. Yesterday, I decided to go to sleep earlier for no apparent reason (around 11?) after I finished reading Artemis Fowl: Time Paradox (took like three months xP). I tried to go to sleep with the lights on because I was already laying on the bed and was to lazy to get up to turn it off, so I was half asleep because the lights and the sound of the fireworks kept me up partially as well.
I'm not so enthusiastic about a new year, maybe it's because its a regular day for me. I'll have to wait till February to be excited about Chinese New Year since I'll finally get money (I hope I don't waste it all or loose half of it like I did last year >.>").
My Resolutions:Labels: 2009, artemis fowl, homework, new year, resolutions, sleep
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